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HoopBunny Thanksgiving Giveaway Winner

Thank you so so much to everyone who entered the 2nd HoopBunny Hula Hoop giveaway! There were almost 200 entries, so like the last giveaway I numbered each entry and used a random number generator to choose the winner. The winner of the HoopBunny Thanksgiving giveaway is Jennifer Kortier!!! Congratulations Jennifer! Please send an email with your choice of hula hoop (including colors & size) and your mailing address to You can choose one from the HoopBunny Etsy shop or any combo of tapes that you see at the shop as well.

For everyone who entered the giveaway, you can use coupon code THANKFUL15 for 15% off a purchase at the HoopBunny shop from now until the end of the year!

Thank you everyone who entered the giveaway! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday too!

Love, Love, Love xx

HoopBunny Thanksgiving Hula Hoop Giveaway

IMG_2093There was such an amazing response to my last hula hoop giveaway that I’d like to do it again! Thank you again to everyone who entered the last giveaway, I loved watching all the new hoop tutorials and learning new tricks. I am thankful for all of you who support HoopBunny Hoops and the hooping community! ❤

In honor of Thanksgiving coming up, I want to know what YOU are thankful for! For this giveaway I would like you hoopers to tell me the reasons why you are thankful for discovering the beautiful art of hooping and you could be chosen at random to receive a custom HoopBunny Hula Hoop of your choice! I will be accepting entries for the giveaway from now until 11/27/13 at 11:59 pm, there is no limit on the number of entries per person.

You can enter the giveaway in the following ways:

1. Post a reason you are thankful you discovered hooping to the comments below this post or to the HoopBunny Facebook page.

2. LIKE HoopBunny on Facebook:
(Let me know you LIKE HoopBunny in the Comments below!)

3. SHARE the HoopBunny giveaway on your Facebook Page.
(Make sure to tag the HoopBunny page in your status update and let me know in the comments!)

4. Follow @HoopBunny on Twitter:
(Let me know you follow @HoopBunny in the comments below!)

5. Tweet the HoopBunny giveaway to your followers on Twitter.
(Make sure to mention @HoopBunny in your giveaway tweet!)

**Post additional reasons you are thankful for hooping, share, & tweet each day to increase your chance of winning!**